Bone & Joint Centre

Bone & Joint Centre

The Bone and Joint Centre at Sunway Medical Centre consists of a team of Orthopaedic Consultants that come together to provide patients with therapies and interventions to overcome their bone and joint problems.

The Centre does bone and joint replacement surgeries, lumbar and spine surgeries as well as provide clinical care for other orthopaedic problems relating to rheumatic disease and sports-related injuries.

Total Knee Replacement

You can only walk without pain when the bones in your knee joint are smooth and cushioned by healthy smooth cartilage.

You also need strong muscles and ligaments for stability because your knee is more than a simple hinge joint: each time you bend your leg to walk or climb stairs, the bone rotates, rolls and glides on each other.

Knee pain and stiffness often result from osteoarthritis from injury or wear and tear. Other knee problems include rheumatoid arthritis (an inflammatory joint disease), previous infection, or poor alignment of your bones. With Osteoarthritis, your cartilage “cushion” wears away. Bones become rough and rub together, causing pain. With rheumatoid arthritis, your joint may also be inflamed and swollen.

A painful, stiff knee can keep you from doing the simple things in life, even walking without pain. Now your orthopaedic surgeon can replace your problem knee. After your knee replacement, you’ll have some restrictions on using your new knee, but you can look forward to returning to many of your activities of daily living.

Surgery Preparation

You will be asked to provide your surgeon with information regarding:

  • Your general health
  • Medications that you are taking – especially oral contraceptives, steroids, aspirin
  • Allergies
  • Previous operations
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Other bone and joint problems

A number of investigations will be carried out before the operation. Some blood tests and X-rays are generally required. You may be referred to a Specialist Physician or Anaesthetist to optimise your fitness for the operation.


Discharge & Rehabilitation


Prevention of Infection

Do’s & Don’t’s

Available Packages